Another year. How time flies.

Four Years

Four Years and Still Fighting

August 19, 2014 (Barely). It’s amazing how quickly time flies. It’s been an entire year since I posted last. Today marks my fourth anniversary of being diangosed with CML. I am still in technical “remission.”

I am still taking Sprycel. However, my dosage has been reduced from 100 mg per day to 50 mg per day. I am hopeful that eventually I can reduce the dosage even further. Sprycel is a great drug. I’m grateful that it’s available. The drug doesn’t come without issues though. Fatigue and “chemo brain” have factored into the mix. I am grateful though for having it and for still being around. Happy new year. And maybe I’ll check in again before August 19, 2015.

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3 Responses to Another year. How time flies.

  1. Barbara Kingsbury says:

    I am extremely happy that you are still around. Love you!

  2. Tom says:

    Good to hear you’re doing well. 2+ years in remission myself! The recent switch from 50mg 2x/day to 100mg/daily has really brought on the fatigue and chemo-brain. I’ve been working so hard toward becoming an engineer that I haven’t had time to enjoy this gift of life and be thankful but a recent cancer walk reminded me why I do it. I hope to see a post from you for many years to come.

  3. Suzanne says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for blogging about your journey. I found your blog when looking for information about blast cells and if I should ask for a second opinion for my baby age 14months.
    He has a medical hx of itp and neutrapiena and now 6% blast cells in bone marrow. Dr said he wants to wait two months before testing any further.
    I do want to say reading your blog I can hear your strength and determination to beat this…
    I m looking forward to a new post of how year 2016 will be a Good Year for you ..

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